Observing Americans
In all
fairness, Americans are truly compassionate, charitable and welcoming people. These
are aspects marketed or promoted in most American films and media, which are
not false or fictions, but an accurate reflection of the United States and its
people. American cultural promoters: writers, film producers and musicians, truthfully
expose or represent their society or country in their work. The only other
country in the world that I know and whose men and women of culture do market
or exposes in their productions the factual
faces of their country through their work is Nigeria. Certainly there many
other countries around the world whose men and women of culture are their
genuine ambassadors, but I have chosen to mention the United States and Nigeria
because both are leaders in their world. The US in the western world or globally and
Nigeria is champion in Africa, as their film industry and writers have
demonstrated. As far as Americans are
concern, I have noticed that, they are markedly different from other
westerners, especially some French people or to be specific, French people
living within the Greater Paris Region, which I know very well for having spent
more than a decade with them. But make
no mistake, there are equally some extraordinary compassionate, charitable and
welcoming French men and women, that I have come across. I am not in any way saying or writing that,
Americans are perfect people or that their country is paradise on earth. Perfection,
they say, is not of this world, but in heaven and the preceding saying is
justified as recent events in Charlottesville and also the strange reaction
from Donald John Trump have established.
For the world seems shocked to see
assertive Nazi groups and other racists marched in broad day and worse, the
lukewarm criticism that, the extremists received from the President of the
leading liberal democracy in the world has irritated many. What happened in Charlottesville
and other US cities demonstrates that, the America has its limitations as will
be elucidated more later on. But the truth remains that, they(US) remains a beacon of
hope and more than others in the world, she offers greater chances or opportunities to
none natives or none nationals. My first focus or evaluating point of the
American society was to find out or see how tolerant Americans are. And my
evaluating benchmark on how tolerant American people were, was made, whenever,
I took or boarded the Washington DC Metro every morning. The Washington DC
metro, it is true, is not the United States, but at least, it provided a sample
of what to expect or how Americans, in particular the majority White Americans,
treated minorities. Hence every morning, as I boarded the DC metro, I first
cast wide view in the wagon on which I was to see ethnic composition. And in
most cases, in particular the line I boarded, was overwhelming White. But there
are equally some lines such as the yellow or blue lines, if am not wrong, that,
I sometimes noticed that, the ethnic composition was predominantly African
America with pockets or dots or Hispanics, Asian or Chinese and White
Americans. Second, while on in the wagon, I start observing how most white
passengers reacted at the sighting of blacks and other minorities and vice
versa. And here
again, I was surprised at how blacks and white were mixing up without any
detectable sense of suspicions and tensions in both predominantly white and
African American metro lines. Another observation that I made was that, I did
not hear the speakers of the subway blaring the cautionary calls of: “beware of
pick pockets”, as it was the case in Paris, whenever the CCTV cameras caught disproportionate presence of people of North
African, afro-Caribbean ancestries or Roma people in the subway.
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